APL/CSRPC 2023 Artist-in-Residence
Jess Atino
Shani Crowe
Gloria ‘Gloe Talamantes
Black is the Color of the Cosmos
October 20th- December 8th, 2023
New works by 2023 Artists-in-Residence:
Jess Atieno, Shani Crowe, and Gloria Talamantes
photos by Anjali Pinto
Black is the Color of the Cosmos is the culminating exhibition of the 2023 cohort of the Arts + Public Life (APL) and the Center for the Study of Race, Politics, and Culture (CSRPC) Artists in Residence program. Produced during a ten-month residency at the Arts Incubator in Washington Park, each artist reflects on themes of iconography, identity, and tactility through, public art, photography, and single-channel video as medium.
In partnership with the Center for the Study of Race, Politics & Culture, Arts + Public Life supports individual artists through the Artists-in-Residence program by advancing the opportunities available to artists who are underrepresented in the Chicago and national arts scenes. The ten-month paid residency program provides space, materials, and stipends, eliminating barriers to participation. During this program, artists have access to rehearsal, performance, and exhibition space at the Arts Incubator in Washington Park and access to the academic and research resources of the University.
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The Artists-In-Residence (AIRs) Program has supported over 36 individual artists whose work examines themes relevant to South Side communities and engages issues of race and ethnicity. The program has a strong record of helping launch careers, with alumni going on to exhibit works at Studio Museum in Harlem, the Venice Biennale, and the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, among other venues. The ten-month paid residency program provides space, materials, and stipends. During this program, artists have access to rehearsal, performance, and exhibition spaces on the Arts Block in Washington Park including the Arts Incubator and Green Line Performing Arts Center, and access to the academic and research resources of the University of Chicago.